Sexual Assault Crisis & Prevention Awareness Program
(Rape Crisis Program)
The 24-hour Rape Crisis Hotline staff and volunteers will help assist victims through hospital emergency room visits, court accompaniment, and support group sessions. Individuals in Pulaski, Lonoke, Saline, Garland, Jefferson, Union, Columbia, Ouachita, Dallas Counties will be able to access all services at no cost.
Assist victims of sexual assault and/or stalking with direct victim services-identify and assist victims of sexual assault to overcome the negative aspects of the crime committed against them and to increase their knowledge of the resources available to assist them
Provide prevention education to community residents- increase training opportunities for volunteers assisting victims of sexual assault
Increase the knowledge of first responders who assist victims of sexual assault and stalking
Trained staff will alleviate the impact of rape and sexual assault on Arkansans by providing education and awareness programs, services and training on rape and sexual assault prevention.
The Center for Healing Hearts & Spirits will work on connecting you with the appropriate mental health counseling servicesハto assist you through the stages of recovery.ハOur advocacy center mayハhelp youハfindハfinancial assistance to pay for these servicesハif you meet certain criteria.
The healing journey is different for every person, it may take a short or long time, you may learn how to live a fulfilling life while healing. Support groups provide the opportunity toハlearn from other survivors how their journey has been, but most importantly, you wonユt feel isolated.
There will be trained volunteers to bring hope and healing to victims who need help and hope. Survivors may becomeハvolunteers once they have reached a healthy stage in their recovery.
Sexual violence is a sex act completed or attempted against a victimユs will or when a victim is unable to consent due to age, illness, disability, or the influence of alcohol or other drugs. It may involve actual or threatened physical force, use of guns or other weapons, coercion, intimidation, or pressure.
Sexual violence also includes intentional touching of the genital, anus, groin, or breast against a victimユs will or when a victim is unable to consent; and voyeurism, exposure to exhibitionism, or undesired exposure to pornography. The perpetrator of sexual violence may be a stranger, friend, family member, or intimate partner.
Every 68 seconds someone in America is a victim of sexual assault.
1 out of every 6 women has been the victim of an attempted or completed rape.
1 out of 33 men have experienced an attempted or completed rape in their lifetime.
Every 9 minutes a child is a victim of sexual assault.
By age 18, 1 in 4 girls will be sexually assaulted; by age 18, 1 in 6 boys will be assaulted. On average, there are 463,634 victims (age 12 or older) of rape and sexual assault reported each year in the United States.
ARPA II - American Rescue Plan Act II