"Casting the Net" Fundraiser
Please help and make your donation!
Download a donation form by clicking here.

Have you ever wondered, if you cast a net, how many fish you could catch? Well, God has asked each of us to go out and make fishermen out of men and women. He asked us to feed the hungry and clothe the poor. He tells us that we should be our "Brother's Keeper." That is what the Center for Healing Hearts and Spirits, Inc., is all about - helping others!
Now we need your help! Each year, the Center provides families with school supplies, food, clothing, toys and other items. We provided school supplies to nearly 500 students this year alone. We assisted homeless families, including children, with blankets, clothes, food, and life skills training. We provided emergency domestic violence shelter services to nearly 50 families, and crisis intervention services to approximately 125 sexual assault and homicide victims. We cannot do it alone. We need you to cast your net!
We are asking 100 of our closest friends and supporters to donate $25, $50, $75, $100 or more for our community outreach. You can help our familes today by casting your net and seeding our outreach efforts. Each dollar makes a difference in the lives of our clients!
Please download a donation form by clicking here, make your check payable to the Center for Healing Hearts and Spirits, and mail to 2416 S. Chester, Little Rock, AR 72206. Your donation is tax deductable as allowed by law. You will receive a receipt.
Thank you!